Carbon Emissions

Q&A with Kenneth Camp, Featured Associate for The Home Depot #SustainabilitySquad

Within The Home Depot, there is a large contingency of eco-conscious associates. They call themselves the Sustainability Squad, and they are living proof that Eco Actions make a difference. They are living a DIY sustainability lifestyle. Each month, we sit down with members of the Sustainability Squad to learn more about their inspiration and motivation …
4 min read

Carbon Emissions

How Hubspace Is Transforming Lives at Home

The day’s done, and it’s time to get ready for bed. You’re winding down and settling in. But then it occurs to you, just as you’re starting to relax: Did I turn off all the lights? Did I lock the door? Did I unplug everything that draws extra power?  Oops! Now you’re up, walking around, …
4 min read