Water Conservation

Sustainable Forestry Includes Safeguarding Waterways

J.D. Irving, Limited (JDI) is an integrated forest products company based in New Brunswick, Canada. They produce lumber, pulp, paper, tissue and pellet products. They know that a well-managed, diverse forest is the foundation of success, and part of that effort is maintaining the health of the various waterways within and around their property. Waterways …
2 min read

Carbon Emissions

J.D. Irving Sawmills Make the Switch to Biomass

J.D. Irving, Limited, (JDI) is an integrated forest products company based in New Brunswick, Canada. JDI forests supply The Home Depot’s eastern stores with lumber. While JDI is a leader in ecological forest management practices, they are quickly becoming a leader in clean energy. The company has begun investing in biomass boilers to aid in …
2 min read

Sustainable Forestry

How Do You Fight Climate Change? Trees and 2x4s. Lots of Them.

Sustainable forestry has been a passion and strategy for The Home Depot for over 25 years. Over the years, we have established supply chain protocols to ensure visibility into where our products come from and to safeguard the health of these forests. One example of this is our preference for certified wood. Wood is considered …
3 min read