
Front Door

Carbon Emissions

RYOBI Battery-Powered Lawn Equipment: Quiet, Clean, Powerful

It’s no secret that battery-powered outdoor lawn equipment technology has rapidly advanced in the last 10 years. But what might not yet be common knowledge is that many of these products are more powerful than gas-powered equipment – and now quieter and even more affordable than gas. We sat down with RYOBI to learn about …
3 min read


How to Install Canless Recessed Lights

Carbon Emissions

Sow, Paint, Grow: Inspiring Sustainability Projects for Kids

Teaching children about sustainable practices is about more than protecting the planet; it also fosters responsibility and cultivates awareness of the world around them. Here, we explore engaging projects that yield tangible results, allowing kids to experience the actual impact of their environmental efforts. Paint a Rain Barrel Rain barrels collect water from roof runoff …
6 min read

Carbon Emissions

Cool Solutions to Help Your Home Beat the Summer Sizzle

Summer heat is so welcome after the chill of winter and spring. And with it comes an opportunity to choose practical solutions and projects to keep your home cool while easing the strain on your power bill. According to the Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, electricity costs are up 29% from 2020, so …
5 min read

Carbon Emissions

Welcoming a Sustainable Tomorrow with Heat Pump Water Heaters

Most of us don’t think about water heaters until we have one fail and are left scrambling for a quick replacement. And even though this behind-the-scenes appliance is easily forgotten, it still typically accounts for 18% of the average home’s energy use. But that’s changing with the growing popularity of heat pump water heaters, which …
3 min read

Carbon Emissions

Reducing Your Carbon Footprint Starts at Home

The topic of climate change is getting more and more attention, and it is not always clear how relevant climate change is to an individual. We want to help customers understand how much or how little they are contributing to the problem and arm them with actions they can take to reduce their own climate …
2 min read

Carbon Emissions

Shedding Light on Darkness: DarkSky International and Light Pollution

Light pollution – a term that refers to the excessive artificial light that permeates the night sky – can significantly impact environmental and human health. Statistics paint a stark picture: Light pollution affects about 80% of the global population, with 99% of people in the United States and Europe living under light-polluted skies according to …
3 min read