
Lawn Best Practices to Protect our Waterways

When it comes to keeping our water clean, we can all play a part by caring for our lawns the right way.


Three tips for saving water in your yard

We're helping homeowners to maximize lawn water use efficiency all season long.


How to Kill Weeds in Your Lawn Organically

Get rid of weeds without chemicals, using commercial organic herbicides, organic lawn care and natural weed control.


Recycling 101

Follow our simple steps to start your recycling program at home.


DIY Recycling Center

Keep your recyclables organized with a DIY recycling station.


How to Dispose of Batteries

This Home Depot guide has information on proper disposal, plus gives tips about where to recycle batteries.


Plants That Purify Air

According to a NASA study, houseplants scrub the air clean, add moisture to dry air and provide beautiful greenery.


The Best Toilet for Your Home

Choosing the best toilets to buy for your home means determining which toilet components matter the most to you.