At The Home Depot, we’re always trying to improve by making better products and reducing our environmental footprint.

That’s why we’re excited about our latest ambitious goals outlined in this year’s ESG report. In line with these commitments, we’re taking decisive steps to address the concerns associated with plastics, packaging and PFAS.

Plastics and Packaging

Among the many initiatives we have in place, one of our greatest opportunities to make a difference lies in our use of plastic. By the close of 2028, we aim to partner with our suppliers to reduce or convert 200 million pounds of plastic that’s used in products to recycled or alternative materials. These goals directly support our environmental pillar of Circularity, which is rooted in the idea of safeguarding our natural resources by extending material lifespan and creating less waste. Of course, reducing the amount of plastic we use isn’t new to us – it’s a continuation of our Plastic Reduction Program that we proudly started back in 2019. Since we began this initiative, we’ve reduced or recycled 155,885,266 pounds of plastic.

Another major source of plastic waste is packaging. To minimize our packaging-specific waste, we redesigned the packaging of over 350 of our private-label products in 2023 to reduce material use and size. Because of this, we’ve saved enough PVC to cover Central Park…twice. Our goal is that by 2027, all of our new, private-brand products’ fiber packaging will be made of compostable, recyclable or recycled content. This will apply to all stores in the United States and Canada, as well as online sales.


Responsible Chemistry is one of our core environmental pillars. We know that transparency in our products’ chemical makeup will help us create better, safer products for all. Because of this, by 2025, we’re committing to excluding added PFAS from all private-brand patio and home décor products. To learn more about our policies regarding chemicals, please review our Chemical Strategy.

Our journey towards sustainable improvements is ongoing, and it’s one we’re passionate about. We will continue to partner with our suppliers to bring to market innovative product and packaging solutions.