The Georgia Aquarium is one of the largest aquariums in the world. It’s also home to one of the world’s most diverse and abundant collections of aquatic life. The Georgia Aquarium contains over 100 different aquatic habitats and holds more than 10 million gallons of water. All that water makes it an ideal space to raise awareness for water conservation. Which is why, in 2013, The Home Depot partnered with the Georgia Aquarium and WaterSense® to establish a series of signs to educate visitors on aquatic life and water efficiency.
The signage is designed to highlight impressive information, pairing fun facts about massive sea creatures with surprising information about household water use. It includes interesting details about the whale shark and the giant grouper. Imagine this: The giant grouper grows to eight feet and can weigh 660 pounds. While you’re thinking big, the signage goes on to share the magnitude of water use in the U.S. It also shares a simple idea anyone can use to help save water at home:
Did you know?
1.02 trillion gallons are used each year on showering in the United States, equivalent to filling the Georgia Aquarium 100,000 times. If you install a WaterSense-labeled showerhead, you can save an average of 2,700 gallons of water per year.
Water conservation isn’t the only thing The Home Depot and the Georgia Aquarium have in common. They also share an Atlanta mailing address and a passion for bringing issues home. The Home Depot is committed to preserving and conserving the earth’s natural resources. The Home Depot’s Eco Actions program was created to recognize products that have less of an impact on the environment than comparable products. And together, we’ve been able to make a real difference: We estimate our customers’ purchases of WaterSense products in 2021 helped reduce annual water consumption by over 66 billion gallons. That means a collective savings of more than $873 million on water bills.
In 2022, The Home Depot updated the WaterSense signs at the Georgia Aquarium, giving them a new look and new information. After almost a decade of raising awareness, the signs were overdue for a refresh. Take a look at the new display in the images below. And, of course, be on the lookout for them the next time you’re at the Georgia Aquarium.